Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Book Review

The TrialThe Trial by Franz Kafka
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Trial is the story of a man arrested and prosecuted by a remote inaccessible authority for an unknown reason. I have heard that the story might get inspiration from what happened to Otto Gross a psychoanalyst and the only child of Hans Gross father of the science of criminology. Otto Gross who had was tried and incarcerated at the behest of his father without him knowing exactly why he was being arrested.
There is no law nor justice in The Trial, it is just unorganized excessively layered of people and interactions, bureaucracy and records that establish an imaginary hierarchy of power.
The ones in power have gone all the way into every aspects of people's lives, they occupy their bedrooms and turn it into courthouses. They take people's wives if they wanted to and people who have become chronically sad, numb and weak are incapable of doing anything. The so called justice has exhausted them.
Power wants you weak. It wants you to bend on your knees and kiss his ass. That is what the ones in power sadistically enjoy from being powerful.

View all my reviews

Monday, November 10, 2014


منطق بی شک سخت استوار است ولی نمی تواند با انسانی مقابله کند که می خواهد به زندکی کردن ادامه دهد

Monday, October 6, 2014

عقاید یک دلقک

اما در مورد ماری وضع به شکل دیگری است. به طور حتم از "افت هنری" و بدبختی که دچار آن شده‎ام، بسیار محنت‎زده و دلگیر خواهد شد. در حالی که خودم چنین احساسی ندارم. هیچ کس در این دنیا، چون در بطن موقعیت خاص انسان دیگر قرار ندارد، نمی‎تواند احساس صحیح و درستی درباره بدی یا خوبی مسئله‎ای داشته باشد، حالا خواه این مسئله به خوشبختی و بدبختی، به عشق و یا "افت هنری" ارتباط داشته باشد. واقعیت امر این است که هر فردی همواره به نوعی خارج از وضعیت و شرایط انسانی دیگر قرار دارد. برای من اصلا مهم نیست که در سالن‎های بدبو و تاریک، در برابر خانم‎های کاتولیک خانه‎دار و یا پرستارهای پروتستان...

Saturday, July 5, 2014

دیگ به دیگ می گه روت سیاه

لوب* به لوب می گه خشکی

* لوب، لوبریکنت یا همان ژل روان کننده را گویند.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Saturday, January 11, 2014

And it feels like I am pushing a volcano down with my hands while saying alright world is there anybody out there?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

"You had to be a winner in America, three wasn't any way out, and you had to learn to fight for nothing"
- Charles Bukowski