Saturday, October 10, 2015

دلم مثل صفحه desktopام سالهاست که خلوت و خلوت تر می شود.

Saturday, June 20, 2015


- I'm gonna destroy your play
- Did I do anything to offend you?
- as a matter of fact you did, you took up space in a theater that otherwise might have been used on something worthwhile.
- OK well you didn't know if it is any good or not
- that's true, I haven't read a word of it or even seen the preview but after the opening tomorrow I'm going to turn in the worst review anybody has ever read and I'm going to close your play. Would you like to know why? because I hate you and everyone you represent. Entitled, selfish, spoiled children. Blissfully untrained, unversed and unprepared to even attempt real art. Handing each other awards for cartoons and pornography. Measuring your work in weekends. Well this is theater and you don't get to come in here and pretend you can write, direct and act in your own propaganda piece without coming through me first. So break a leg
- ... I'm an actor...
- You are no actor you are a celebrity, let's be clear on that.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

But vilifying those we love always detaches us from them a little

"She had just left, enraged. She hated him now. That broken promise at their rendezvous seemed to her an insult, and she sought yet more reasons to separate from him: he was incapable of heroism, he was weak, ordinary, softer than a woman, and also greedy and timid.
Then, growing calmer, she came to see that she had probably disparaged him unjustly. But vilifying those we love always detaches us from them a little. We should not touch our idols: their gliding will remain on our hands."
Madame Bovary

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Monday, May 4, 2015

"Nobody loves you like I do"

"He had heard these things said to him so often that for him there was nothing original about them. Emma was like any other of his mistresses, and the charm of novelty slipping off gradually like a peace of clothing revealed in his nakedness the eternal monotony of passion which always assumes the same form and uses the same languages. He could not perceive, this man of such broad experiences, the difference in feelings that might underlay similarities of expression."
-Madam Bovary

Saturday, January 3, 2015

What do you think is wrong with North America?

Obedience, fear of liability, PR and media to name a few.
one danger is that usually when people try to raise against one type of discrimination or unfairness, gradually they create some sort of discrimination or prejudice themselves.